Armored Core Wiki

Ajante is an MT pilot in Armored Core 3.


He piloted a jet-black Gibbon MT which was primarily equipped for close-range combat. He does not advance to become an AC pilot, and due to his lack of appearances later on in the game as a consort, it is assumed that he dies during a mission.

He appears during the following missions as a consort:

1st Layer : Special Research

4th Layer : Energy Production

MT Feisty[]

MT Feisty

MT Feisty

A close-range black MT unit equipped with a shotgun and blade. Armor plating was sacrificed in order to keep the MT as light and mobile as possible. The pilot's skill is the determining factor in the combat effectiveness of this unit.

Compared to the other choices, he is not a good decision for a consort. He lacks tactical knowledge, and has a habit of charging enemies head-on, which works against his lightweight build.

MT Feisty Specifications[]

Name: Ajante

MT Name: Feisty

MT Type: Standard humanoid MT

Armament/s: Shotgun, Blade

AP: 2,800

Tactical Style: Zig-zagging head-on charge

Strengths: Close-combat, melee-based enemies

Weaknesses: Flying enemies, ranged enemies


