Armored Core Wiki
Aster - Emblem
General information
Classification Human
Gender Male
Affiliation and military information
Affiliation Global Cortex
Occupation Raven
Rank D-11
Craft AC Megalo
Real world information
Appearances Armored Core 3

Aster is a Raven appearing in Armored Core 3. He is ranked D-11 in the Arena. He is encountered as an enemy in the mission Defend Water Processors. His fate remains unknown, given that he can either be defeated by The Raven or retreats at the end of the mission.

AC Megalo[]

AC Megalo

AC Megalo

Megalo is a lightweight hover AC equipped with an exceed orbit core, back booster extensions, napalm rockets, back mounted rocket launchers, a sniper rifle and laser blade. The unit is built for fast paced mid and close range combat.

Although its weaponry is dangerous at close-range, the AC features weaker armor.



In-Game Information[]

Excels at both close and mid-range battles, taking advantages of his AC's mobility to keep opponents off balance. The sniper rifle he equips was chosen for its speed, not range. He uses it only when a target is locked and the hit assured.


Aster will begin by rushing toward you while popping off shots from his sniper rifle. Up close, he will either swap to his back-mounted rockets or his inside napalm rockets, and swing his blade when there's an opening. Despite his somewhat aggressive style, Aster's AC has poor durability, due to his use of light parts on hover legs, and is thus susceptible to all kinds of damage. He never uses his EO, or his back boosters. His speed might give some problems, but is otherwise an average opponent.

In the mission, Aster shows up after you have destroyed some helis, and he can prove to be a deadly distraction while the helis and amphibious MTs shoot the water processors. It's best to take care of him quickly as he will continually poke you in the back if you leave him be. It's also recommended to use hover legs on the mission like him as well so that you won't fall into the water when engaging Aster.



The name Aster refers to a genus of flowering plant. It can also refer to a cellular structure shaped like a star, formed around each centrosome during mitosis in an animal cell.

