Armored Core Wiki
Chris Miura

Chris Miura is a Raven in Armored Core 2. His rank is #51 in the Arena.


He entered the Arena to escape his dull life as a company man. He lacks skill and decent equipment but his attitude has endeared him in the eyes of everyone.

AC Vex | Verthiem[]

Vex is a lightweight bipedal AC equipped with a small missile launcher, a hand gun, a laser blade and an overboost core.

In Japanese, his AC is known as Verthiem (ヴェルティエム Vu~erutiemu).


The first of the new Arena entrants to be added once an Arena-entrant Raven is killed in the main story. He, along with most of the others, are pretty terrible, having bad weapons and low piloting skills. If you've progressed in the story long enough to kill a ranked Raven, you most likely have the weapons needed to beat this chump into the ground no problem.



  • The Japanese version of Chris Miura's AC name, Verthiem could actually refer to the name of a town in southwestern Germany (Wertheim), in the state of Baden-Württemberg with a population of around 23,400. It is best known for its landmark castle and medieval town center.



Armored Core 2 -EX26- - Arena -44 Chris Miura
