"Destroy Enemy Squadron" is a mission in Armored Core: Last Raven.
Requester: Vertex
Operation Area: Airsul Dam
Objective: Eliminate the enemy invaders
Reward: 96,000c
Start Time: 16:12
A squadron of enemy airborne units has been spotted heading in the direction of Airsul Dam. We'd like your help in dealing with them.
The dam itself is probably just a waypoint. Their actual target is most likely Vertex Headquarters in Circ-City.
As our proposed time of attack nears, all of our forces are tied up on the frontlines. We can't deal with this new threat on our own.
If the enemy squadron manages to get pas the dam in full strength, the damage they'll inflict on our headquarters will be significant.
Be aggressive as possible when engaging the enemy targets, but please avoid unnecessary damage to the facilities around the dam.