Armored Core Wiki
Freddy Emblem
General information
Classification Raven
Gender Male
Affiliation and military information
Rank -
Craft AC Crow Hunter
Real world information
Appearances Armored Core: Master of Arena

Freddy is a Raven that appears in the Armored Core: Master of Arena Extra Arena. He is a member of the Champions Arena.


He uses a high-speed attack to overwhelm his opponents. He is usually unseen by the enemy.

AC Crow Hunter[]

AC Crow Hunter

AC Crow Hunter

Crow Hunter is a lightweight two-legged AC equipped with a dual missile launcher double back weapon, the FINGER machine gun and the MOONLIGHT laser blade. He can launch into battle overweight.


As opposed to majority of the Champion Arena rankers, Crow Hunter tends to stick more to the ground, often rushing quickly towards an opponent while firing volleys of missiles, and then switching over to the FINGER when up close. His FCS' fast lock speed enables to fire his missiles much faster than normal and this is something that he will use to his advantage. You must avoid his missiles as they can deal massive damage and have fast homing speed as well. Avoiding fire from his FINGER is also crucial as it can shred AP in mere seconds up close.

Fortunately, there is a very easy way to avoid his missiles. Crow Hunter will continue to fire his missiles even when there're obstacles in the way, meaning it's possible to make him waste a great deal of ammo. Once you get his missiles out of the way, you will then only have to worry about his FINGER machine gun. As he doesn't fly very often, forcing him into aerial combat also works well as he will then have difficulty trying to target you with his machine gun.

