The Hangar Unit is independent of the Over Boost or Exceed Orbit Cores. A Core without anything but a Hangar unit is considered a Standard Core.
These Cores allow an AC to equip small weapons inside the Core. These Hangar parts are drawn from the same pool as Right and Left Arm Weapons are small. They provide an AC with additional firepower should the main weapons be dropped.
Since Armored Core V, the Hangar Unit is developed as the Weapon Bay, and the AC can change any of their weapons from the shoulders.
In ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON, the player can unlock the Weapon Bay by installing 3 OST Chips.
While Standard Hangar Cores seem "no thrills" they tend to be lighter and have a lower Energy Drain, making them very reliable cores. They can equip Hangar Weapons which provide an AC with far greater offensive potential the OB Cores and potentially even EO cores, depending on the type. Some Cores have both Hangar and OB, which gives an AC additional firepower and mobility but these Cores often have worse stats than others.