"Investigate Research Lab" is a mission in Armored Core: Last Raven.
Requester: Independent Warlord (Green Horn)
Operation Area: Triton Ecoactivity Center
Objective: Clear defenses, activate control device
Reward: 108,000c
Start Time: 14:02
Raven, we'd like your help infiltrating an Alliance research facility. Officials claim that no military-related projects are carried out there, but we know this to be false.
A group of Kisaragi loyalists within the Alliance organization operate a secret lab in the bowels of the facility.
Take out any defenses you encounter once inside, and then shut down the gate lock control system so we can gain access to the lab.
Leave the rest up to us, we'll make sure that word gets out. People need to be told the truth about the facility and what goes on there.
A simple mission of two phases. First, you have to reach the gate lock switch. Your only opposition will be the TERMITE unmanned weapons.
After deactivating the lock, a flock of AMIDAs will be released. Retrace your steps to take care of the thawed AMIDA specimens. There are two types, small and large, only distinguished by a small difference in health. These AMIDAs are able to spit acid, doing minor damage. They can be easily disposed with anything. Clear out the released AMIDAs to compete the mission.