Armored Core Wiki
AC Sample 16
Invincible Q
General information
Classification Human
Gender Male
Affiliation and military information
Affiliation Ravens' Nest
Occupation Raven
Rank Unranked (AC1 Rankings)
#7 (AC:MOA Ex Arena)
Craft AC Bounty
Real world information
Appearances Armored Core
Armored Core: Master of Arena

Invincible Q is a Raven appearing in Armored Core. Also known as Invisible Q, he also makes an appearance as the seventh ranked Raven in Armored Core: Master of Arena's Humanoid Leg EX Arena.


Armored Core[]

With a price on his head, he lives by destroying his pursuers. Excels at covert actions; very successful.

Armored Core: Master of Arena[]

Proud of the price on his head, he survives only by eliminating those who would see him dead.

AC Bounty[]


Bounty is a middleweight two-legged AC equipped with a small missile launcher, back radar, the KARASAWA laser rifle and a laser blade.


Though Invinicble Q's use of the KARASAWA makes him a fairly dangerous opponent, his generator can't supply enough energy for him to continually boost & fire at the same time, making him vulnerable. It's easy to make him drain out his energy reserves, so take advantage of that and mow him down with hard-hitting weapons of your own. While his AC has good mobility, it forgoes defense so weapons like his own KARASAWA or any other high-damage weapon will work well on him.



  • Invinicible means too powerful to be defeated or overcome.
  • Bounty refers to a sum paid for killing or capturing a person or animal.
Armored Core (video game)
Arena Enter subpage
Characters BarutazaruBoss SavageCrescent MoonDynamitableFalconHustler OneInvincible QLosvaizeLynx MinxMizuho KamuiMurakumo EscapeeNick KawasakiPeace MakerPuryunu TouriRSpitefulSwiftWarhawkWildcatWhite QueenWolf
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Locations Avalon CityChemical-Dyne Lab No. 4Chrome Gun EmplacementFortgarden CityGal City (Gal City Office District) • Isaac City (Isaac City Parking GarageIsaac City Power Plant No. 7Isaac City Sewers) • Old Military FacilitySpace Station KaedeRavens' Nest AC Training GroundRavens' Nest HQWhiteland Area Snowy RegionZam City
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Organizations Chemical-Dyne Co.ChromeMurakumo MillenniumGuardsRavens' NestStruggleImminent Storm
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Technologies Armored CoresBiological WeaponsHuman PLUSMuscle Tracers
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