One of the two moons of Mars, Phobos is an ancient Martian construct designed as some kind of super weapon. While its ultimate purpose is unknown, it served as the control unit for the Disorder units and was capable of destroying Mars or at least damaging it enough so that humanity couldn't exist there. This moon, along with the Disorders Units, are the only two known examples of Martian technology.
It is said that during the initial survey of Mars, which Leos Klein served on, that the survey team discovered that Phobos was actually a space station. However, due to the fierce resistance of Phobos' defense systems, the survey team was forced to abandon its attempts to board Phobos, and the truth of its existence was classified. Much later during the Civil Commotion of Mars, Klein stole the S.T.A.I. battleship, which is said to have enough firepower to destroy Mars itself, and was able to make a successful landing on Phobos. He then used Phobos in a last ditch attempt to destroy Mars. He commandeered a Martian weapon, fought against the Raven and was defeated. Phobos was disabled when its orbit control mechanism was destroyed by the Raven, ultimately causing it to self destruct and break up in Mars' atmosphere.