Armored Core Wiki

Recover Meteorite is a mission in Armored Core: Master of Arena.


Sender: Lana Nielsen

Requester: R&G Industries

Reward: 38000

Theater of operations: North Heaven's Rock Supply Point No. 8

Enemy forces: Unknown

Objective: Destroy all enemy forces

Mission Area: North Heaven's Rock

Mission Scene: Supply Point No. 8

Safety Level: 45


The requester is R&G Industries. This mission pertains to the anticipated
impact of a meteor with our planet.

The meteor's existence has long been known, but it wasn't until just recently that a discovery was made indicating that the meteor may contain rare minerals.

R&G Industries would like to recover the meteor, but there is a problem. Several of their competitors also want possession of it and are willing to fight for ownership.

Your mission objective is to eliminate any units, sent by R&G's competitors, intent on retrieving the
meteor. You must not allow it to fall into their hands.


Recover Meteorite - Inky

Inky boosting to fight The Raven.


[Lana Nielsen]: "Approach the target area once the meteor’s impact is confirmed."

[Lana Nielsen]: "It’s here!"

[Lana Nielsen]: "Unidentified units approaching... destroy them all."

[???]: "He won... just as I expected."

[Lana Nielsen]: "AC identification verified. Its Regulon, a member of the Sub-Arena. This enemy AC’s strength is its rapid fire capability. Stay out of its line of fire as much as possible."

[Lana Nielsen]: "Well done, your mission is complete. The rest is up to the recovery units. Return to base."


Not a very difficult mission, you just need to destroy all enemies in the level. Once the MTs are taken out, the AC will appear. He's not too difficult overall, although he does have rapid fire weapons on him. He is also not very durable so he will few to some heavy shots.


  • The opening cutscene of the mission shows the meteors impact on the planet.