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Armored Core Wiki

The EWR-L24

Notoriously hard to aim with, Rockets are extremely powerful back-mounted weapons if they are used effectively, but this can be difficult to achieve without a lot of practice. All variants of rocket launchers require manual aiming, much like the cannons afford (which can be useful for targeting at long range) and can be useful.


Rockets are the more powerful counterparts to missiles, with their most distinct characteristic (and disadvantage) being the lack of lock on capability. Because of the difficulty involved in manual targeting, they are generally only useful at close to mid ranges, unless when engaging stationary targets. The more powerful rocket launcher models offer destructive power on a level that rivals some of the heavier back-mounted cannon weaponry, while retaining the advantage of unrestricted mobility for all AC models. Because of their inherent lack of FCS interaction, the rocket launcher users can have a situational advantage under high ECM conditions. For this reason, a rocket launcher backup can be especially useful for the melee-specializing AC builds.

Aside from the regular back slot rocket launchers, some games also feature hand-mounted rocket launchers, as well as Inside slot rockets.


  • Small: These are the Rocket weapons that have a lot of ammo capacity and are actually really strong (somewhat comparable to Bazookas), much like all rocket weaponry. With manual aiming, they are, much like all Rockets, only useful with a lot of practice, or against stationary/close range targets. Fortunately, their large ammo capacity gives them a lot of chances to hit.
  • Normal (Medium): The middle of the road Rocket class, they are stronger than Small Rockets, but feature lowered ammo capacity, these Rockets are probably some of the most useful, due to their power. They are very useful in terms of damage potential because, if you hit, you can chop off a lot of AP from a target, namely they are useful against bosses. They are also effective anti-AC weapons.
  • Large: Extremely powerful but feature low ammo capacity, the original Large Rockets can explode dealing splash damage, while the others just deal massive damage on impact only. Large Rockets are on par with Grenade Launchers in destructive potential - learning to wield these Rockets competently offers lighter ACs to deliver devastating damage without using cannon weapons. Typically they are only useful against the massive MTs; otherwise, effective target prediction is essential. When facing highly mobile targets, the Large Rockets are best used at very close range to make every shot count.
  • Triple: These Rockets fire in a shotgun-like pattern, and this characteristic gives a bit more leeway with accuracy but the individual rockets deal less damage than the Small Rockets so keep that in mind. Naturally, their ammo consumption is also high, making this rocket launcher variant more geared towards high intensity assaults (especially as their optimal range is lowered compared to normal rockets because of the firing spread). Triple Rockets are very similar to Spread Bazookas in effect. Another subtype of Triple Rockets fires three shells not simultaneously, but in rapid succession.
  • Dual: The dual back-mounted rocket launchers fire from both launchers at once, and are closely related to the previous Triple type; however, Dual Rockets are distinct in that they also come in double variant, aside from the triple one. In addition to occupying both Back slots, Dual Rockets are some of the heaviest Rocket weapons, and their ammunition reserves are also fairly limited. In spite of that, Dual Rockets offer some of the most impressive firepower of all non-cannon back weapons, and can be quite fearsome when in hands of a skilled close combat specialist.
  • Napalm: These rockets feature incendiary payload, trading off raw damage for increased thermal stress potential. They are very useful for overheating the opponent, resulting in burn afterdamage as well as slowing the enemy down due to the energy output malfunction. This effect can synergize with the following regular Rocket attacks, landing hits easier. While Napalm Rockets tend to be heavy and significantly weaker than the standard varieties, they can prove very deadly if they can be landed consistently.
  • ECM: These are useful in that they not only deal damage but they also knock out an FCS for a while which can be useful. However the reason why FCS "need" to be jammed (Missiles) are better avoided with Extensions or Decoys.
  • Generator (Disruption): These highly specialized Rockets only appear in Silent Line and disrupt the energy generation function of the opponent. This effect prevents the Generator from regenerating the reserve energy, and this can be really bad. Unlike the ECM Rockets, these could be useful.


Rockets are useful but can be extremely tricky to land hits with. They are slow in terms of projectile movement, and consequently the ability to lead a target is vital for wielding them. It is also very important to learn how to compensate for your own AC movement when adjusting the aim trajectory with the Rockets in order to attain acceptable accuracy when mobile, thus making them viable for AC vs AC fights. The best to train naturally is on Small Rockets in the AC Test until it is possible to reliably hit with them. Fighting up close is the best option for Rockets as it maximizes chances to hit.
