Mass Produce vs. General Purpose[]
Is the Swift just an AC with regular parts or a custom like General Purpose ACs? Can we get a source for that if you have one? Farmboy28 20:15, June 29, 2011 (UTC)
Posted on MoonlightPhoenix's Talk Page is the Armored Core atwiki. Going to AC enemy page here: , I can see this entry on "Swift"
* ネスト規格のエンドユーザー向けパッケージモデル。 * フレームはほぼ初期機体ながら、MTに比べ十分に高い機動力と耐久力を持つ。 * グラフィックでは初期ライフル装備だが、実際はパルス。 * 初期ミサとブレードも装備しており、火力は馬鹿に出来ない。所詮雑魚だが。 * 設定段階ではヴィクセンと同系機だった。(メカニカルガイダンス参照) そのため一部攻略本では設定画にそった説明文をつけている。
- Nest's end-user oriented Package Model
- While the frame is derived from basic models, compared to MTs, it possesses superior agility and stamina.
- While it appears to be equipped with the starter rifle (WG-RF35), it actually fires pulse shots.
- Although it has a missile and a blade, it's firepower is stupidly nonexistent, being a disposable enemy.
- The development stages of this unit is related to that of Vixen. Referencing Mechanical Guidance (seems to be an artbook of sorts), there is an explanation regarding this in one of the concept arts.
So there you go, not a GP-AC, but a standard, albeit customized AC.
Speaking of which, the high end model isn't Swift at all, it is instead named "Spiteful". Separate pls.
Hetalynx 04:32, June 30, 2011 (UTC)
Thanks for the info! I'll change it right away. By the way, did you translate that yourself? When I used a translator it came up as "Swift." Farmboy28 04:45, June 30, 2011 (UTC)
So, just to clarify certain points:
- The MPAC is a normal Armored Core made up of parts which can be bought in the shop, but have been customized beyond or somehow modified from the original version of said part.
- It has about the same or more durability than a GPAC but is less than a regular Armored Core
- Its weapon is a pulse rifle that looks like the strater rifle
- Its somehow related to the development of the Vixen.
What does it mean though by "stupidly nonexistent"? Does that just mean its very weak? Farmboy28 05:00, June 30, 2011 (UTC)
Yah, that's what I meant. A little too literal translation there OTL 05:58, June 30, 2011 (UTC)
One last thing Hetalynx. Can I get the source for the High-end model being named Spiteful? Farmboy28 04:59, July 1, 2011 (UTC)