Armored Core Wiki
White Queen Emblem
White Queen
General information
Classification Human
Gender Male
Affiliation and military information
Affiliation Ravens' Nest
Occupation Raven
Rank # 10
Craft AC Check Mate II
Real world information
Appearances Armored Core

White Queen is a Raven appearing in Armored Core. He is 10th in the Rankings.

AC Check Mate II[]

White Queen

AC Check Mate II

Check Mate II is a middleweight two-legged AC equipped with a pulse rifle and a laser blade.


Like many Ravens in Armored Core, White Queen isn't fought in a mission as the Arena doesn't allow for fights between Ravens.



In-Game Information[]

Loves close-up combat and excels at swordplay. Also known on the Net as a chess champion.


The name White Queen refers to the queen in chess. The Queen is the most powerful piece in the game of chess, able to move any number of squares vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.

The name Checkmate comes from the final move that can be made in chess. Checkmate is a situation in the game of chess and other activities which results in defeat.



Armored Core (video game)
Arena Enter subpage
Characters BarutazaruBoss SavageCrescent MoonDynamitableFalconHustler OneInvincible QLosvaizeLynx MinxMizuho KamuiMurakumo EscapeeNick KawasakiPeace MakerPuryunu TouriRSpitefulSwiftWarhawkWildcatWhite QueenWolf
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Locations Avalon CityChemical-Dyne Lab No. 4Chrome Gun EmplacementFortgarden CityGal City (Gal City Office District) • Isaac City (Isaac City Parking GarageIsaac City Power Plant No. 7Isaac City Sewers) • Old Military FacilitySpace Station KaedeRavens' Nest AC Training GroundRavens' Nest HQWhiteland Area Snowy RegionZam City
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Organizations Chemical-Dyne Co.ChromeMurakumo MillenniumGuardsRavens' NestStruggleImminent Storm
Parts Enter subpage
Technologies Armored CoresBiological WeaponsHuman PLUSMuscle Tracers
Others CreditsEmblemsMailSoundtrack - Armored Core Original Music Files