Armored Core Wiki
Part Type Legs
Type Hover
Price 31000
Manufacturer Zio Matrix
Weight 2188
Energy Drain 2425
Armor Points 2660
Def Shell 498 (AC2)
448 (AA)
Def Energy 444 (AC2)
399 (AA)
Defensive Points 942 (AC2)
847 (AA)
Maximum Weight 4530
Moving Speed 433 (AC2)
519 (AA)
Moving Ability 537 (AC2)
623 (AA)
Landing Stability 847
Defensive Stability 997
Turning Speed 416
Stationary Drain 1577
Jump Function None
Braking Ability 89
Cooling 1114

The ZLR-K196/RJ is a leg part that first appeared in Armored Core 2 and later in Armored Core 2: Another Age.

Part Description[]

Celebrated first floating type.


This part can be bought in the shop. It is in the shop from the beginning of both games it appears in.

Notable Users[]


  • This part got its stats changed in Armored Core 2: Another Age. Its Def Shell was decreased from 498 to 448, Def Energy decreased from 444 to 399 and as a result total Defensive Points decreased from 942 to 847. Moving Speed was increased from 433 to 519 and as a result Moving Ability increased from 537 to 623.